The Brown Blog

Thursday, June 16, 2005

posted by Tab

Ethical decision making in a post-modern society

I have written an essay on postmodernity. I was limited by the essay question - a fact which frustrated me - and I ended up just writing this in an effort to cover criteria. It is extrememly flawed, and I'd love for commments on what people agree/dissagree with in it.

The essay does have an interesting 2nd half, on how post modernity affects ethical decision making, and how a christain can respond.

Part of the conundrum that is post-modernity is that it’s very essence defies definition. As Anna Aven writes, “pinning down postmodernism is like trying to stick Jello to a wall”

Saturday, June 11, 2005

posted by Tab


In order to be an ambassador, we need to know the one who we are representing. This assignment is not for people who don't know God, but for those who do, to understand him better (as you will see by the language, it is not designed to be used in mission!!!). The more I know my King, the better and more accurately I can represent him.

Below is a snippet, the full text can be found here.

`I am who I am' (Exodus 3:14), this is how the God we worship as Christians describes himself. Yet as humans we have need to collectively define God, based on what he has revealed of himself to us. There are fundamental - that is unchangeable, beliefs that we hold true regarding God, which form the basis of our faith.